When people talk about a domino effect, they’re usually talking about the way that one small action leads to much larger consequences. For example, if you start to make your bed each morning, it will likely lead to more and more habits that support a clean and organized home. The same principle can be applied to other areas of life. If you can identify the good dominoes in your life, you can create a chain reaction that helps you achieve bigger goals and develop a positive self-image.
Dominoes are tiles that are arranged on end in long lines. When they’re tipped over, they cause the next domino in line to tip over and so on. This process can create very complex and impressive designs.
In the west, domino games are normally played with a standard set of 28 tiles. Typically, each player begins the game by drawing 12 tiles. The first player then chooses a domino to play, positioning it so that its number shows on both ends of the domino chain. Then, each other player plays a domino so that it touches the end of a previous domino. This builds the chain of dominoes which gradually increases in length. The game is over when either all of the tiles in a player’s hand are played or there are no more dominoes left to draw.
Many different types of games can be played with a domino set. The most popular games are block and draw. With a double-twelve or double-nine domino set, four players can play these games. The rules for these games are quite similar to those of standard solitaire or trick-taking card games.
A basic version of the game is called “Dominoes” and is played on a hard surface such as a table. Players begin the game by drawing their dominoes and placing them on-edge in front of them. Each domino has identifying marks, or “pips,” on one side and blank or identically patterned sides. Some of the pips are arranged in ways that are useful to players and distasteful to opponents. Players may only place a tile on the table when its matching pips are adjacent or touching. If a player cannot play a tile, they draw another from the boneyard and try again.
Hevesh is an artist who specializes in making mind-blowing domino installations. Her projects use a combination of art, engineering, and science to achieve their spectacular results. She works on the design of each part of an installation separately before putting them together. She tests each section to see how it will work and films the test in slow motion. This allows her to fine-tune the sections so that they will fall in the right order and to correct any problems that might arise.
Physicist Stephen Morris agrees that gravity is key to a great domino setup. When you stand a domino upright, it stores energy as potential energy based on its position. But when the domino is knocked over, this energy converts to kinetic energy, or the energy of motion. This energy then travels to the next domino in the chain, providing the push it needs to cause it to topple over.